Using your “brain” and mama intuition

Have you ever had a feeling of unease or ultimate joy when making a big decision? It’s the butterflies in your stomach or knots. We like to call this our intuition or “gut feeling”. Why is this important on your pregnancy journey and in labor? Let’s discuss!

When confronted with decisions that your’re not sure about, you may have heard of the acronym BRAIN. This is so important to making educated and informed decision making during your pregnancy and delivery. You can’t make a smart decision if you don’t ask questions.

The first is “B” for Benefits

If a medication, intervention, or test is offered to you, ask what the benefits are. Why is your provider suggesting that you do xyz. The benefits are the reason they are suggesting, breaking your waters, inducing, getting an epidural, getting a Rhogham shot, or whatever else. You have to decide if the benefits are to your liking.

Next is “R” for Risks

This is a big one that most providers don’t like talking about. You want to know the risks of what they are wanting you to do. A good question to ask for medications (such as pitocin, epidural, etc): “Is there a black box label warning?” If there is a black box label warning, it means that there have been adverse reactions that need to be taken into account. If your provider says there are no risks, it’s time to start asking yourself if you have a tolerant provider or supportive. There are always risks, but it’s up to you to decide when the benefit outweighs the risk.

“A” is for Alternatives

When confronted with a choice and you don’t like the option being given, ask for alternatives. See if there is a more natural way that will give you the same outcome. An example of this might be, instead of getting induced using pitocin, can we try something that doesn’t involve medication, such as nipple stimulation or castor oil.

“I” is for Intuition

Out of all of these, I believe your intuition is most important. You never have to do something that feels uncomfortable. This can range from a test, not liking the waiting time at prenatals, being induced, etc. Remember at the beginning I talked about butterflies or knots? This is what I’m talking about. Be in tune with your body and what feels right and what doesn’t. It’s super important during your pregnancy, but it doesn’t end there. You will continuously be challenged with your intuition after you have your baby. Maybe it doesn’t feel right getting your baby circumcised. Maybe getting a vaccine cocktail isn’t what you baby needs. Maybe going out on the vacation feels okay at 5 weeks postpartum. Trust yourself most of all. And if you don’t know or feel like you need resources, reach out to me or another birth worker. We will get you unbiased information so that you can make the best decision for your family.

And last, “N” is for nothing

What if you do nothing? Is what’s being asked of you necessary? If it is, find an alternative that you feel comfortable with. If it’s not and your provider is pushy, maybe it’s time to start asking some hard questions about switching to a more supportive provider. This goes for both midwives and doctors.

Using your BRAIN is very important. You have so many decisions to make during pregnancy and sometimes it can feel very overwhelming. If you have a provider that talks with you and gives you answers that you can understand (I.e. not speaking medical-nese), then my friend, you have a keeper! During pregnancy is not the time to be confused or to let things happen to you and your baby. Take charge of yours and your baby’s health! I know this was a lot of information, but the goal is for you to make an educated decision. Remember that intuition is your best friend during pregnancy and birth. If something feels off to you or you no longer feel safe, change directions!

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to write them below!


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